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parsley wert jp

  1. Parsley - The ultimate JavaScript form validation library

    Parsley is now smarter, it automatically detects your forms' modifications and adapts its validation accordingly. Simply add, remove or edit fields, Parsley validation will follow!

  2. Parsley - Wikipedia

    Parsley or garden parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a species of flowering plant in the family Apiaceae that is native to the central and eastern Mediterranean region...

  3. Parsley, the ultimate frontend javascript form validation library

    Parsley is a javascript form validation library. It helps you provide your users with feedback on their form submission before sending it to your server. It saves you bandwidth...

  4. Parsley – перевод с английского на русский – Яндекс.Переводчик

    Перевод Parsley с английского на русский сделан онлайн Яндекс.Переводчиком — сервисом автоматического перевода слов, фраз, текстов и веб-страниц.

  5. parsley - перевод с английского на русский , транскрипция...

    parsley [ˈpɑ:slɪ]Существительное.

  6. parsley — с английского на русский

    Parsley — Parsley , Sage , Rosemary and Thyme Saltar a navegación , búsqueda Parsley , Sage

  7. Parsley — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2

    Parsley or garden parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a species of flowering plant in the family Apiaceae that is native to the central Mediterranean region (Cyprus, southern Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain...

  8. Parsley (@parsley.app) • Фото и видео в Instagram

    1 млн подписчиков, 65 подписок, 583 публикаций — посмотрите в Instagram фото и видео Parsley (@parsley.app).

  9. Parsley - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Parsley is a fresh flavored bright green herb. It used on food as a garnish and as a seasoning in soups,sauces and salads. Some people eat parsley to get their breath to smell better. Parsley can be easily grown in gardens, as well as inside the home, wherever there is plenty of indirect sunlight.


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